Tuesday 11 March 2014

Caché Co-Ord (post four)

Bonjour Lovelies xoxo
So not the sunday just gone but the one before that, I was lucky enough to go see Beyonce with my sister at the O2. She was just incredible and I was so sad when it ended... I just wanted her to carry on singing all night haha. I have been a huge fan of Beyonce since I was very little and so to finally see her was just amazing and then to top it off Jay-Z came on stage to sing Drunk In Love with her and FYI they really are 'the power couple' that everyone calls them.

So what does Beyonce have to do with this post? Well this is the outfit I wore to the concert. I decided that I wanted to look chic but still practical as I had to get the train there, where I would be chilly but then I knew I would be so hot in the O2, so I had to dress accordingly to all these changes in temperature haha!
This little Co-Ord was actually a one-off find when I was out in Florida last year and is from a shop called Cache. It is probably aimed at women slightly older than me, as my mum shops in there when we are out there, HOWEVER I don't care as I managed to pick up this beautiful scarf print two piece. 
 I haven't put links to the outfit details this time as all of it is pretty much boutique finds or one-offs however similar Asos Fedora Hats can be found here and to be honest all of the Asos hats are beautiful. 

Hope your week is going well so far lovelies, 
The Red Head 

P.S - There is the cutest little video on my Instagram of Beyonce getting distracted by a girls drawing of her and she stopped singing to talk to her. It was a lovely moment which I happen to catch on camera, posted on Instagram and the young girl found my video and was over the moon! 
It is so lovely how social media can bring people together and do good! Instead of all the negative we always here about social media :) whoop go Instagram haha.

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